We’re very strict on the type of external provided content on hikings.net but if your website is relevant to outdoor sports, hiking, camping, traveling, etc, your article could be approved for a guest post.
Drop us a short message to explain your thoughts, your website URL and guest post topic of course. We do need to charge you a small fee for our time for editing, publishing the article, etc.
We have a few rules for your guest post:
- Great writing content! If the content isn’t readable, we won’t publish your article
- Article length minimal 700 words
- No spelling or grammar errors!
- No keyword stuffing
- Maximum of 2 links to your site
- Minimum of 2 links to authority sites
- Once your guest post is published, the ownership of the article is automatically transferred to hikings.net
- Do not create spam links to your guest post or to hikings.net. If your guest post receives a lot of spammy backlinks, your guest post will be removed without reimbursement of the guest post fee.
- Please provide two or three high quality photos that are free-to-use or you transfer the license of these photos to hikings.net to use on your guest post article.
Just to be clear: We don’t accept guest posts for gambling, sex, drugs, etc sites!
The end decision whether we allow your guest post article is made by hikings.net!
Please submit your message to us via this contact form:
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